Chico (known by his new family as CHARLIE) is 6 years old and very sweet and loves pats and loving. He came into rescue with his littermate, Buster. His vet check was excellent, although he was underweight. He was great during his exam, being bathed, and groomed. He doesn’t like being in a crate. He is also almost housebroken as long as he is taken out frequently. He isn’t quite as confident as Buster, but isn’t fearful. He rides well and is he ready for his next adventure. He is indifferent to other dogs and doesn’t know how to play. He is afraid of thunder, but responds well to wearing a Thunder shirt. He is also very patient. When behind a gate, he will bark for attention, but settles beautifully when the house is quiet. He has taught himself to go up and down stairs, now he gets to follow us everywhere. He has a dark coat color and a stumpy tail. He has dry flaky skin that will improve with diet and regular grooming. Great temperament and potential. He is a blank slate and doesn’t know any basic commands except sit.
Airedale Rescue and Adoption of the Delaware Valley serves Pennsylvania, Delaware and New Jersey. If you are interested in adopting an Airedale, fill out an adoption application here.