Buddy always has a smile on his face and he’s ready for whatever you want to do! He is a big love – 88 lbs. of kisses and constant companionship. He loves his toys, is excellent in the car and is good with other dogs. He just turned 9 in June and is very fit and in good health. He hasn’t had a lot of experience walking, as his former owner was elderly and passed away, but he is a quick learner. Since Buddy is so large, he wouldn’t be good with small children but older teenagers would be fine. He does not care for grooming much and doesn’t like his feet touched but we are working with him to counter-condition that dislike so a good, patient groomer would be needed for Buddy. Despite being left at the shelter and losing his mom, he is a very happy dog and has a delightful outlook on life & its new experiences. He is grateful and wants to thank his person for their friendship & love by returning it five-fold.
Airedale Rescue and Adoption of the Delaware Valley serves Pennsylvania, Delaware and New Jersey. If you are interested in adopting an Airedale, fill out an adoption application here.