Airedale Rescue and Adoption of the Delaware Valley
Serving Pennsylvania, Delaware and New Jersey
Welcome to the ARADV website! If you are interested in adopting an Airedale and you live in PA, DE or NJ, please visit our Adoption page for more information. If you’re interested in finding out more about the breed and what it is really like to live with an Airedale, check out the info on our About Airedales page.
Please note: ARADV only places dogs in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Delaware. If you live in another state and wish to adopt an Airedale, please visit the Airedale Terrier Club of America’s Rescue and Adoption Committee site to locate a volunteer in your area.
Scroll down for the latest news from ARADV.
Winter 2024 Newsletter

Dec. 2024 This edition of our newsletter features an essay about how each of our rescued Airedales inspires us to be our best selves.
We also have an Airedale haiku challenge! Submit your Airedale-inspired haiku and it could be featured in our next newsletter.
“One thing that I’ve learned.
If you’ve no sense of humor,
No Airedale for you.”
Finally, you can read about our recent Airedale meet-up in Pittsburgh…as usual, the more the merrier!
Back issues of Starting Over are also available here.
Summer 2024 Newsletter

Jul. 2024 Have questions about pet insurance? Our most recent newsletter has answers! Coverage, deductibles, premiums – you can read about all of the options to make your Airedale’s healthcare more affordable.
“Airedales in History” features another well-known figure, Harold Florsheim, whose father and grandfather founded the Florsheim Shoe Company, who loved Airedales as much as we do.
Back issues of Starting Over are also available here.
Summer 2023 Newsletter

Aug. 2023 Airedale Rescue has been busy this year! Our semi-annual newsletter’s main story features three of our beautiful female rescues – Allie, Abbie and Missy.
ARADV is in need of foster homes for recently rescued Airedales – learn how a foster home can benefit a ‘Dale after intake into rescue and how to apply to provide a safe home for our Airedales.
Other stories include our regular feature, “Celebrity Airedales in History”, dog park etiquette, and how to keep your mail carrier safe from dog bites.
Back issues of Starting Over are also available here.
Winter 2022 Newsletter

Dec. 2022 The feature article of the Winter 2022 issue of Starting Over is a heartfelt reminiscence of ARADV’s founder, Joey Fineran. Remembered for her quirks, her rules, her dedication, and most of all her love of Airedales, Joey touched so many lives, Airedale and human, through her work with ARADV. She is still missed today by adopters, fosters, and volunteers in the Delaware Valley and all across the country.
Back issues of Starting Over are also available here.
Summer 2022 Newsletter

Jul. 2022 The latest issue of Starting Over features lots of Airedale antics – always our favorite part of the newsletter. You can also read about: baseball legend Ty Cobb and his Oorang Airedale, how to keep your Airedale friend safe in the summer months, plus a preview of the 2022 Airedale rescue quilt that will be raffled off in October at the Montgomery Kennel Club 2022 Terrier Show to raise money for ARADV.
Back issues of Starting Over are also available here.
Winter 2021 Newsletter

Dec. 2021 In this winter’s issue of Starting Over, Mary Jo Johnson walks us through her family’s Airedale-related Christmas ornaments – each a memory of the Airedales they have shared their lives with (including nine(!) rescues). Deb Ciancarelli also gives an update on recent events that ARADV has participated in and/or hosted, including the Montgomery Kennel Club 2021 Terrier Show and the ARADV Airedale Meet & Greet.
The newsletter also includes helpful tips & reminders on the 2021 tax deduction for donations, dog license renewals, and using your Amazon purchases as a way to donate to ARADV via AmazonSmile.
Back issues of Starting Over are also available here.
Summer 2021 Newsletter
Jul. 2021 The summer issue of Starting Over features Sam, an Airedale rescued from a less-than-ideal life in rural Pennsylvania. We are also thrilled to welcome our newest Rescue Partner, the KONG TOY Company!
Plus, ARADV is excited to announce the 2021 Quilt Raffle – this year’s quilt is an amazing hand-sewn labor of love by Frances Smith. The raffle will take place on Sunday, October 10th in Airedale Ring #1 at the Montgomery Kennel Show. Details on how to buy raffle tickets are included in the newsletter.
Back issues of Starting Over are also available here.
Winter 2020 Newsletter

Dec. 2020 The most recent issue of Starting Over features the story of Billy, a Louisiana special needs Airedale who ended up at a Delaware rescue before making his way into the home (and heart) of an ARADV foster parent. And, now that the White House again has doggie occupants, we delve into the story of the first famous White House canine – Laddie Boy the Airedale.
Also in this issue: Would You Consider – a piece about the benefits of adopting a poly-dale, or Airedale mixed breed.
Back issues of Starting Over are also available here.
Summer 2020 Newsletter
Jun. 26, 2020 In the most recent issue of Starting Over, you can read the story of Odin and Addie, Airedale littermates that were rescued together. We also have some informative articles on malignant round cell tumors, estate planning for your pets, and some tips for helping in a lost dog emergecy.
Also in this issue, ARADV announced that the 2020 Aire Faire has been cancelled due to the pandemic. Please contact Deb Ciancarelli ( if you would like to organize a small, regional get-together of Airedales and the people they own.
Back issues of Starting Over are also available here.
Winter 2019 Newsletter
Dec. 10, 2019 The most recent issue of Starting Over, the bi-annual newsletter of ARADV, features a round-up of our Fall ’19 “Fresh Aire at Farm” event. Our adopters, volunteers, and furry Airedale friends had a great time at Rammytime Farm with a trainer-led agility session, a quilt raffle and lots of yummy refreshments for all.

Also in this issue: Ella – A Very Special Rescue; Rising Costs of Pet Medical Care; and lots of beautiful Airedale updates! See the Winter 2019 newsletter for more details.
Back issues of Starting Over are also available here.
Summer 2019 Newsletter
Aug. 21, 2019 The latest issue of Starting Over features a cover story on the ARADV delegation proudly representing Airedale Terriers at the “Meet the Breeds” event during the Westminster Dog Show. Our intrepid rover reporter Miley the Airedale gives a bark-by-bark rundown of an exciting day in the Big Apple.
This edition of Starting Over also features a report from Deb Ciancarelli, President of ARADV, on rescue efforts in 2019 – six (!) Airedales placed in the forever homes so far this year. You can also find a summary of our region-wide rescue meeting in April, where we discussed transports, fostering, upcoming events and how volunteers can become active in their community by proactively visiting local shelters. See the newsletter for more details.
Back issues of Starting Over are also available here.
Winter 2018 Newsletter
Dec. 10, 2018 This issue of Starting Over highlights our recent fund raising success – ARADV’s Airedale Christmas Tree raffle raised over $3,000! The raffle drawing was held during this year’s Aire Faire event on Oct. 14, 2018 and broadcast on Facebook Live. Thank you to everyone who bought tickets. You can read about the raffle and the lucky winner here. This issue also features a piece on Laddie Boy, an Airedale Terrier and the first dog of President and Mrs. Warren G. Harding.
Back issues of Starting Over are also available here.
Adopted – Beau

Nov. 3, 2017 Airedale Rescue and Adoption of the Delaware Valley is happy to report that this special needs boy has been adopted. Beau is two years old and is a tripod. His right rear leg was amputated when he was six months old, but he doesn’t let it slow him down.
If you are interested in being considered for Airedale adoption, have a fenced yard, and live in PA, DE, or NJ, please complete an application. Read more about the very special Beau here.
Adopted – Diva

Nov. 1, 2017 The lovely Diva has been adopted! Diva loves life, other dogs, and even cats. She is high energy and does best as an only dog. She is housebroken and takes good care of her squeaky toys.
If you are interested in being considered for Airedale adoption, have a fenced yard, and live in PA, DE, or NJ, please complete an application.
Summer 2017 Newsletter

Aug. 7, 2017 Read about the fantastic Dudlee Meyer, ARADV rescue and therapy dog extraordinAire. Also included in this edition of Starting Over, ARADV’s twice-yearly newsletter, are updates on ARADV rescues, information on dealing with behavioral triggers of adopted dogs, and memorials to adopted Airedales who have recently crossed the rainbow bridge. Plus, read about the “Peanut Express” – the amazing tale of Peanut the Airedale’s trip from the Beaver County Humane Society to his new forever home. ARADV volunteers traveled a total of 660 miles to save this grateful Airedale boy. Back issues of Starting Over are also available here.

July 25, 2017 Read about our most recently adopted Airedales, Angel and Zoe. Visit our Happy Tails page to see a list of recently adopted dogs and updates on our amazing rescued Airedales. For information on applying to adopt a rescued Airedale, please see our Adopting an Airedale page.
Please note: ARADV only places dogs in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Delaware. If you live in another state and wish to adopt an Airedale, please go to the Airedale Terrier Club of America’s Rescue and Adoption Committee site to locate a volunteer in your area.
We abide by the policies and guidelines of the Airedale Terrier Club of America Rescue and Adoption Committee.